Sunday, October 14, 2012

East School Mileage Club

Have you heard about the East School Mileage Club?

It's the latest recess craze at East School! Organized by our East School guidance counselor, Ms. Beall-Gomes, the Mileage Club is open to all students at East School during lunch-recess. The field has been lined to mark a 1/8th mile lap. Students can spend part of their recess time walking, running, skipping, or hopping the loop, counting their laps along the way. Eight laps total one mile - East students of all ages will tell you that now! And for every mile, students receive a colorful foot charm for their Mileage Club chain so they can watch their miles accumulate over the year. Each Friday, students are invited to wear their Mileage Club chains and feet  at school to celebrate their miles and our Mileage Club community at East. 

(Please note that Mileage Club chains and feet should remain safe at home on all other school days – this is for safety, to avoid distractions in the classroom, and to prevent hurt feelings from lost chains.)

In just our first few weeks of Mileage Club, the data is impressive - 85 out of 125 fourth graders were tallied doing laps on the field one day last week! The miles are adding up already. Teaching assistants are lending a hand with supervision and we have a class of students that will be tallying the totals each Friday. It is a school-wide effort.

Why the Mileage Club? It continues our attention this year to School Climate initiatives. Recess can be an overwhelming time of day for some children; it's a busy time on the playground, yet an unstructured time. While it is wonderful for young children to have the open time, for some students, navigating the social environment can be challenging. The Mileage Club offers an experience that offers children an activity that they can join as an individual, with a partner, or with a group of friends. As a Mileage Club participant at recess, one child can walk alongside another and make a new friend. And with so many children happily engaged in their laps, fewer recess altercations or behavioral issues have been noted. All with health and physical fitness benefits as well.

This fall weather is a perfect time to get started (if we could just keep the rainy days away) - encourage your child to head on out to the Mileage Club for a few laps each day!