Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What a month!

From Science Fair to STEaM Night ... it has been a very busy February month at East School!

We saw more than 130 young scientists proudly displaying their experiments, research, and more at our East School Science Fair during the first weekend of the month. There was plenty of excitement, enthusiasm, and learning all around - from solar system models (Is Pluto a planet or a moon?) to diapers (Do you know which brand can absorb the most?), from making bread rise to the ever-popular erupting volcano (one of the favorite of my 4-year old son who was eager to accompany me at the Fair)! Thanks to all who participated and to those who came to view the work.  And a special thank you to Mr. Bothe for all of his work behind-the-scenes to support our young scientists throughout the year, to inspire curiosity in our students, and to make this annual event such a success!

And just a few days later, we filled the halls of East School with young mathematicians, scientists, engineers, and artists as part of our STEaM Night 2013. STEaM brings together Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics with integrated experiences and real-world connections. There was web design with some familiar faces popping up on new magazine covers. There was marshmallow-building (also a very engaging snow-day activity for all ages, as we soon learned in the Woleck household when we were homebound during the blizzard) and airplane design too. And there was also the creative-engineering challenge - "How can you make a piece of art that has at least one moving part?" What children (and adults) can do with paper, brads, metal rings, paper clips, string, and hole punchers is quite remarkable. Special thanks to Mrs. Main to make this evening happen for us!

I am thrilled to capture the memory of these wonderful February events (quickly becoming favorite traditions at East) here in the blog because writing about them brings a smile . . . these are the events that bring our East community together and remind us of the pure joy young children find in all kinds of learning. Thanks for being a part of this!

Take care,